Finally! I made it to the Musée des Beaux-Arts for the half-price entry to the Jean-Paul Gautier exhibit! In case you weren't sure, Jean-Paul Gautier is a French fashion designer of fairly wide reknown. I've never been a huge fan of his because his work is typically very costume-y...I'm usually more of a Dior New Look kind of girl, if you know what I mean...if you don't, that's okay.

However, this was my first real opportunity to get so close to haute was incredible. In fact, I would say that this was one of the best museum exhibits I've ever been to. If the previous exhibit I posted about left me confused, this exhibit left me inspired. I guess, as my sister, Dr. Laura, would say, Gautier was speaking a language I could understand. Really...the amount of work and the artistry was absolutely amazing. É they say in français. These photos really don't do it justice...
On another note, believe it or not, the program here is almost over. Only tomorrow's "graduation" ceremony remains...that and getting our grades. Today was a great final day, however, as far as classes were concerned. We had some great presentations by colleagues and an amazing workshop about the legends and stories of Quebec followed by a farewell dinner.
 | suis tombée amoureuse là... |
I will spare you the platitudes about how quickly time passes, but I will most certainly miss the day-to-day interchanges here; functioning completely in French; talking with other people that are as passionate as I am about what we do for a living; learning new things just by walking out the door; and above all, realizing that laughter is a worldwide language. Merci, Quebec and merci à mes collègues...vous me manquerez tous.
More to travels aren't quite at an end...I will not be posting again until next Wednesday, so mark that date on your calendar. I'll be traveling to northern Ontario for some family fun (I'll update you when I get back to an internet connection) and then I'll be finishing off my Eastern Canadian tour right here in Quebec! À plus tout le monde!
Singin' in the Rain |
Got our diplomas this morning! Hooray! |
Thanks for the second shout out! The Gautier show comes to Dallas next and I am so excited to see it after your stellar review.